Summer Soirée

Our Summer Soirée was as fun and engaging as we could have hoped. The evening began with a preview screening of NAKED SINGULARITY cowritten and directed by alum Chase Palmer. Chase is the perfect person to represent the work we do. His roots with our organization run deep. After winning the Nantucket Film Festival’s Tony Cox Screenplay Competition in 2003, Chase was one of the first writers to live and work at Almanack Farm during our October Colony for feature film. Chase then led the organization for several years while building an illustrious screenwriting career with such projects as IT, THE ALIENIST, THE SEARCH FOR WONDLA, and NO BLOOD, NO GUTS, NO GLORY. Chase now serves on the Almanack Screenwriters Board of Directors, and NAKED SINGULARITY is his feature directorial debut.

Following the film, Chase engaged in a deep conversation about the film with Almanack alumni Harris Doran and Simbi Hall. The evening continued as Board member and Chairman of the Sarasota Film Festival Mark Famiglio hosted an amazing celebration with live music, cocktails, camaraderie, and taco truck for attendees. Our Chair Jeffrey Soros spoke, along with Mark and our alumni, Simbi Hall. Throughout the evening good conversation, fun times, and new connections were being had.

For 20 years we have supported screenwriters with unique stories and strong voices who are determined to tell powerful stories for screens big and small. This was an opportunity to celebrate the work being done behind the scenes and behind the screens we watch. 

It was so gratifying to share time and space in person again with our community. That’s what we like best about the work we do. For every one of our programs we bring talented screenwriters together to share time and space and magic always happens. The same was true of our Summer Soirée - magic happened. And we could not be more grateful for the support we receive from our community.